Basketball is a ball sport in groups consisting of two teams of five people each. They Compete with each other to score points by putting the ball into the ring opponents.Because basketball team played then to play Collectively course requires an understanding of the basic techniques are good, especially in the game of basketball there are two kinds of points that are applied when you insert a basketball into the ring. To win a game you can maximize the following basic technique is to be scored 3 points and 2 points with the beautiful game.1. Technical Dribbling (Dribbling)The basic technique of basketball dribbling at the same goal with the football dribbling technique, the which is to bring the ball to avoid the opponent and attack the opponent. The difference is dribbling the basketball-bouncing is done by reflecting the ball with one hand open and not using your legs as well as in the game of football. The rule is to never use two hands to dribble a basketball and do not use closed fists.2. Technique pass (Passing)Passing Technique is a basic technique of basketball game that you have to master in order to play well Collectively. Mechanical passing / feed is a movement to throw the ball to your friends who are still in the team. Passing can be done by using two hands or one hand, the purpose of doing is to keep passing the ball from the opponent and fight for masterminding the attack with inroads mature or motion hoax.3. Pivot EngineeringAs the name Suggests means the pedestal pivot, pivot technique is usually used for feinting that is by moving the pedestal body with one leg with both hands to keep the ball from an opponent. Rules of conduct that should not shift the pivot on the which the foot while turning body. Keep you select the strongest leg on a footstool when you rotate the body to perform a trick move, you must move the other foot as long as the foot of the pedestal is not shifted.4. Shooting TechniquesIn the course you need a basketball shooting / shot straight into the ring to score points. Shooting is the basic techniques of the game of basketball that you can acquire required to earn a point by point. There are many ways to do the shooting techniques
5. Technical ReboundMechanical rebound is a basic technique of basketball game that can make-your friend throws additional points of failure.